Página Oficial de Claudio Katz


Geopolitics, the imperial system and socialist anti-imperialism: An interview with Claudio Katz

Claudio Katz :: 01.11.23

Claudio Katz is a professor of economics at the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and a member of Economists of the Left. He is also the author of various articles and books on contemporary capitalism and imperialism, including Bajo el Imperio del Capital (Under the Empire of Capital), Dependency Theory After Fifty Years and his latest, La Crisis del Sistema Imperial (The Imperial System in Crisis). In this broad-ranging interview, Katz talks about the need to avoid looking at imperialism in purely economic terms, the rise of what he terms an “imperial system” and the complexities of anti-imperialism in the 21st century, with Federico Fuentes for LINKS International Journal of Socialist Renewal.Leer texto completo [PDF]

https://katz.lahaine.org :: Versión para imprimir