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The dilemmas of the left in Latin America


Review of the new book of Claudio Katz
Luxemburg editions,
Buenos Aires, 2008,
270 pages

The Effects of Paying off the IMF


The Argentine government presented the early cancellation of debt to the IMF as a sovereign act of historic proportions. Kirchner stated that the country is recovering autonomy and freeing itself from IMF inspections. However, when it comes to facts it is blessing a privileged creditor.

Strategies for the Latin American Left. Problems of Autonomism


Since the mid-1990s, autonomist politics has gained influence in Latin America. Its theorists are attentively listened to and their practical proposals awaken great interest. But this scenario has begun to change with the appearance of new nationalist and center-left governments. The rise of Lula, Kirchner, and Tabaré, the increased strength of Chávez, the resurgence of Fidel, and the shift of López Obrador changes the playing field that favored the expansion of libertarian theories.

Problems of Autonomism


SINCE THE mid-1990s, autonomist politics has gained influence in Latin America. Its theorists are attentively listened to and their practical proposals awaken great interest. But this scenario has begun to change with the appearance of new nationalist and center-left governments. The rise of Lula, Kirchner, and Tabaré, the increased strength of Chávez, the resurgence of Fidel, and the shift of López Obrador changes the playing field that favored the expansion of libertarian theories.